Tailwind CSS : Beginner to Advanced

What you will learn

  • Master Tailwind CSS from basic to advanced
  • Learn how to style a website without using CSS
  • Learn how to use Tailwind utility classes to Style a website
  • Learn about flex
  • Learn about Grid and Responsive design
  • You will able to build a real-world website
  • You will become confident Tailwind CSS
  • How to make websites work on every possible mobile device (responsive design)
  • How to plan a website from sketch
  • You will learn Tailwind CSS core concepts
  • Learn To Build Interactive Dashboards with Components Like Charts
  • Learn A Modern Way to Style Websites & Never Go Back to Using Regular CSS

Course Outline


After completing the Tailwind CSS course, you will be able to create user-friendly interface without using CSS. You can create high-quality websites interfaces without writing a single line of CSS. Tailwind provides all the classes need to create a stunning website. You can use Flexbox, Grid, Animations a lot of other stuff from tailwind for creating user interface.


Tailwind is CSS utility framework for creating beautiful UI components. By using tailwind, we can easily create website without writing a single line of CSS. It has almost all the classes available for corresponding CSS property. We can use those classes to build user interfaces without any pain.  


Before starting this course, you should have a working knowledge of Following:

  • HTML fundaments
  • CSS Fundaments
  • Reac.js basics (This course includes tailwind usage with react application)

This training is compatible with Windows 8, Windows 8.1,  Windows 10, and MAC operating system.



You are hereby advised to visit www.virtualacademy.pk and get yourself certified in Tailwind CSS Training, furthermore you'll have to meet the following criteria for earning this particular Registered Certification.

  • You will have to complete all 20 lessons through Virtual Academy Online Learning Management System at www.virtualacademy.pk.
  • Every lesson has 3 to 5 quizzes, which you must have to pass with 70% marks.
  • You need to submit your project/assignments on time.
  • After completion of Virtual Academy offered Tailwind CSS lessons via www.virtualacademy.pk Online Learning Management System there will be final exam which comprises of 50 to 100 questions.

After having assessment of your account with www.virtualacademy.pk whether you meet all the above terms and conditions, then we will dispatch your Certificate/Diploma at your given address.


  1. Introduction to Tailwind
  2. Typography 
  3. Colors and background color
  4. Margin and Padding
  5. Sizing classes
  6. Display Classes
  7. Positioning
  8. Borders
  9. Background Images
  10. Square bracket notation for providing your own values
  11. Flexbox in Tailwind
  12. Grid in tailwind
  13. Breakpoints classes in tailwind for responsive design
  14. How to create a Responsive grid?
  15. Effects in Tailwind 
  16.  Filters in Tailwind
  17. Transforms in Tailwind
  18. Transition in Tailwind
  19. Animation
  20. Interactivity classes
  21. Forms in Tailwind

Final Exam and Certification


  • Usman Khan
    06 February 2024

    Tailwind CSS is a significant accomplishment that equips you with valuable skills in modern web development. Tailwind CSS revolutionizes the way developers approach styling and design by providing a utility-first approach that enables rapid prototyping and efficient styling of web applications....

  • Faizan javed
    06 February 2024

    Tailwind CSS is a significant accomplishment that equips you with valuable skills in modern web development. Tailwind CSS revolutionizes the way developers approach styling and design by providing a utility-first approach that enables rapid prototyping and efficient styling of web applications....

  • Hamza salem
    06 February 2024

    Tailwind CSS is a significant accomplishment that equips you with valuable skills in modern web development. Tailwind CSS revolutionizes the way developers approach styling and design by providing a utility-first approach that enables rapid prototyping and efficient styling of web applications....

  • Saad Gujjar
    06 February 2024

    Tailwind CSS is a significant accomplishment that equips you with valuable skills in modern web development. Tailwind CSS revolutionizes the way developers approach styling and design by providing a utility-first approach that enables rapid prototyping and efficient styling of web applications....

  • Saad Gujjar
    06 February 2024

    Tailwind CSS is a significant accomplishment that equips you with valuable skills in modern web development. Tailwind CSS revolutionizes the way developers approach styling and design by providing a utility-first approach that enables rapid prototyping and efficient styling of web applications....

  • Khalid Rasheed
    12 June 2024

    A really well thought out course - especially for those just starting out with Tailwind, like myself. Thank you...

    21 June 2024

    Hello sir, please make a complete course on full stack web development. And thankyou for tailwind course...

  • Muhammad shafiq
    23 June 2024

    Thank you for this lesson. You are a fantastic teacher. May Allah Pak bless you. Ilahi Aameen...

  • Akash pawar
    27 June 2024

    Sir i learn alot of things with you thanks for this in difficult situation of Pakistan...

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