Computer Introduction (ICT)
Information Technology.
The use of information technology in every field of life is increasing with the passage of time. It is very important for students as well as common people to know the latest concepts of information technology to compete in world. Proficiency in information technology is very important to apply it effectively in different fields for betterment.
The concept of information technology from IT series is a Multiple Choices Question that is written to provide students with firm foundation in computer, information technology and the use of information technology in variety of fields the readers would be able to understand computer software hardware and internet the Multiple choices question is written for all levels of proficiency in commuter and information technology.
All important aspect of the Multiple choices question is its effectiveness for examination of all type it
contains Thousands of multiple choices. These multiple choices will enable the students to get high marks in All type of examination and test for job and further qualification.
Introduction to Computer Technology.
Computer is an electronic machine used to solve different problems according to a set of instructions given to it. A computer can accept data process data into useful information and store it for later use.
The word computer is derived from compute that means to calculate computer can be used as a calculating machine to produce results at a very high speed. However, the calculation is not the only use of computer. It can be used for different purposes. People use computer to solve different problems quickly and easily. It has changed the way of life.
The term computer literacy refers to knowledge and understanding of computer and its uses. A person is computer literate if he understands computer and its applications.
Computer are available in different shapes and sizes.
After completing the introduction to computer technology Online Test Through Online Test management system, you will be able to Understand,
Computer and its types
Software and hardware
Difference between data and information
Component of computer
History of computer
Generations of computer
Categories of computer
Categories of IT professionals
Uses of computer
Information communication technology and much more